
Five reasons why Snowsports can benefit your mental health 🧠 💚

A few words from one of our lovely account managers, Abbie…

Here at NUCO HQ, good mental health is very important to all of us. It is a discussion within society that should never stop, and it is a conversation that should never be quiet. This year, during World Mental Health Day (Sunday, 10th October 2021) we wanted to take the time to focus on the things we love, and the things that benefit our mental well-being. With the ski resorts opening up this winter — just speaking this into the universe — we are giving you five reasons why we believe Snowsports can benefit your mental health. Bringing our love for the mountains, and the importance of your mental health together!

1. Being out in that mountain air!

Anyone who has been out in the mountains would likely agree that breathing in that fresh air is like no other; it clears your mind and allows you to literally feel on top of the world. Many studies have shown that being out amongst nature is one of the best ways to reduce your stress levels, so breathe in as much mountain air as you can!

2. It’s a workout of the mind.

Not only is skiing one hell of a workout for your body, but it can also give your mind a workout like no other. When making the decision of heading down the icy black or sticking to those breezy blues, your mind is constantly making strategic decisions. When skiing, the brain also produces a chemical called Dopamine, something which makes us essentially feel good. So keep your mind moving as they say!

3. You get to be around like-minded people

Nothing brings people together like the slopes; skiing, apres and new friends! Nobody puts the feeling into words better than our Head of Groups, Cristal: ‘You’ll never feel quite the same, anywhere in the world like you do in the mountains, now THAT is the feeling we love. That is what we want to share with as many people as possible.’ you can’t get better than sharing a love for the mountains with the people you love!

4. Getting physically active

We have all heard the facts about the reduction of anxiety through exercise. A professor at Harvard University makes the point that even just putting your trainers on and getting out and moving ‘may be the single best nonmedical solution we have for preventing and treating anxiety.’ Movement can be powerful; dancing, walking, or riding a bike ride all have positive benefits…but if we can get out on the slopes and help our mental health, I think we would all rather get moving and active out there.

5. That feeling of escape

That feeling of being overwhelmed by everything life is throwing our way can sometimes get a bit too much! But there is no better escapism than being stood at the top of a mountain, looking out across the horizon. Life stands still, even just for a second. All those day-to-day stresses just melt away and you really can’t get any better than that. I think everyone here at NUCO HQ can agree that there is no better escape for any of us than being out in the Alps.

Take care of your minds and we hope to see you in our snowy playgrounds ❄️



NUCO Travel | All year round good times

A little something for everyone who loves the mountains, the beaches, the waves. Winter to Summer…